Saturday, September 15, 2012

Really Dirty Cartoon Makes a Good Point

The satirically demented people over at The Onion have done it again. They've posted a cartoon that's, well, Not Safe For Work or Play to point out the vast differences in religious cultures that exist between islam and the rest of the world.

I'll just link it here with another warning: if your sensibilities are easily offended, don't click on it. It depicts deities from the major (meaning real) religions in a very sexual way.

A very, very, sexual way.

Meh, I'm not thrilled with the cartoon, but I'm not calling for the artist to be jailed, or beheaded, or anything like that. Neither is anyone else. As far as I know there have been no riots, and no one has died as a result of it.

You have been warned. You must be this tall (intellectually) to click on the link.

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